
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s been so long! Too long, in fact. I’ve started and never finished about 7 blogs before this one. It’s so hard to put into words this life I get the honor and privilege to live. To even attempt to portray the invitation the Lord has invited me in seems outrageous. But my soul has stories to tell of the incredible works and wonders of my Jesus and it would be a disservice to Him to not share them. Luke 8:39 is the heartbeat of this blog, “tell how much God has done for you.” 

So here I am! Forcing myself to sit down and write a dang blog. Even if it kills me in the process. 


A brief logistical update: I’m living in Chiang Mai, Thailand and I’ve been here since January 4th. My team of 6 other girls have ministry at a domestic abuse rehabilitation center for women. It feels like we’ve stepped into an alternate universe when we’re there. The entire facility, which is around 2 acres, is completely women-led, sustainable (they eat the food they grow!!!!), and empowering. They provide housing for women who have been abused, in crisis situations, or single mothers while also offering classes that teach them skills and trade. Oh it’s so beautiful. There’s nothing quite like seeing women coming together to support and empower other women. 


I wish I could sit and talk for hours about all the holy moments I’ve been apart of, moments I swear Heaven came down to Earth and His glory was seen for miles. And while that’s nearly impossible, there are a couple of days and moments that stand out to me. 


Something the Lord has done abundantly on the field is physically healed- it’s happened to teammates, squad mates, at ministry, at church, on the side of the road, in grocery stores, at 3 am, etc. And the place I just so happened to be most recently to experience His healing powers was at a waterpark. Less than an hour after getting there, a couple of us noticed a girl around the same age as us laying down injured, in the middle of this huge waterpark, surrounded by lifeguards that spoke very little English. 

And honestly, I didn’t want to go over and check on her. Selfishly, I knew we only had a few hours there and I didn’t want to spend it working through a language barrier. And I hate to admit that. But it’s a vital piece to this story, every action and decision made that day was not my own. Completely the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit who convicted me to walk over to her and ask if she needed any help. It was the Holy Spirit who prompted me to call over my friend who’s a trained lifeguard. It was the Holy Spirit who invited her into asking if we could pray for healing over her. And it was the Holy Spirit who soften her heart to say yes, even though she didn’t know Jesus.

She laid on a backboard, not being able to move her neck or beck, as the two of us knelt beside her and prayed for healing. And she wasn’t healed instantly, but knowing she was being taken cared for and in the hands of the Father, we said goodbye to her and watched her leave for the hospital. 

But it wasn’t until after all of us were walking out of the park, at the end of the day, when we saw her!!! WALKING around!! Laughing, eating ice-cream!!! HEALED! She told us she felt completely fine and wasn’t going to go to the hospital anymore! Yes yes yes. Thank you Jesus!

It’s times when I experience the Lord’s glory in the most unexpected times and places that I thank Jesus for being interruptible. Some of His greatest works and miracles happened when His plans changed. He was simply traveling through a town when He spoke to the Samaritan woman that eventually led to the longest recorded one-on-one conversation with Him. It was when He was walking through a crowd when He healed the bleeding woman. And it was in the middle of a waterpark, when He slowed down my plans and performed a miracle. 




A couple of weeks ago, around Christmas time, my entire team got very very sick- the kind of sick that leaves you in bed for 9 days and running to the toilet. None of us could go to ministry, and on top of being homesick, it was just all around a hard season. Thankfully, the Lord provided an abundance of rest during that time and healed all of us in His perfect timing. Not long after we all recovered, our new ministry assignments for Thailand were given and for the past week, ministry at the rehabilitation center has looked like manual labor- shoveling dirt and working in a banana farm. It wasn’t our ideal ministry after just spending a 2 weeks in bed, let alone being out of breath after walking up stairs, but every day I am left awe-struck as I look around and see 12 Daughters running on the strength of the Lord, being completely sustained in Him. He constantly reminds me, through the sweat, that He is my Healer and Provider, providing even the smallest of things like energy throughout the day. 

The dirt that we shovel every morning and afternoon is being used to start another garden at the rehabilitation center. It will eventually be the foundation that nourishes plants that will be used for food for the mothers and children there. Jobs will be started because of it. Women will be empowered by it. And we get the honor of starting it. But the start of it is a just a huge pile of dirt. Huge. The first morning we got there, we prayed for a miracle. A miracle of supernatural energy. A miracle that would move this mountain. A miracle of momentum that wouldn’t be able to stop. And I wish, oh I wish, you could see the dirt being moved before our very own eyes. Not only did the Lord sustain us and help move the dirt, but we have moved a massive pile of dirt every single day. 

It’s a sight. Girls that just a couple of weeks ago, were laying in bed completely fatigued- now shoveling, covered in the dirt that their Savior moved. Sweaty and tired, yes, but I’d do it every day if it meant I could partner and be with Him. 


There’s so much more than these two stories. I’m living day after day of stories like these. I’m covered in His endless answered prayers and works and miracles and healing. It baffles me. It leaves me beyond myself. Sometimes I wake up and just weep thinking about how I get to love and be loved by the most beautiful and perfect Jesus. My heart breaks for His children that are not awake. That are blind to the Truth. But my goodness, every cell in my body wants to tell of His heart. And even if it takes a lot out of me and leaves me drained, I’ll write and write and tell how much God has done for me. Because He changes my life every day. Every day He invites me into living life hand-in-hand with Him. A life that’s richly saturated in His perfect ways and Holiness. A life of saturated celebration. 


Oh what a sight this life is. 


And I’m sorry. You deserve to be let in and become aware of what He is doing and has done. My deepest apologies for failing you. I hope you feel a little bit more connected and let it. I hope you feel encouraged. I pray you feel convicted. I pray you feel just how much He loves you and pursues you. You are loved by a Father that performs miracles and heals and answers prayers. Thank you all for loving me and supporting me throughout this crazy journey. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 


If you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to reach out. I’m here for you!! Or if you’re curious and just want to know more stories, please please ask. I got tons. 



12 responses to “healed at a water park”

  1. Lauren,
    Thank you so much for sharing your amazing JESUS – Hoy Spirit Adventures!
    I am encouraged and inspired by every single thing that you are experiencing and pray that for myself and fellow Followers. Please keep us informed and Godspeed!

  2. Hi Lauren! So good to hear these updates and how God is reaching down from heaven and through your team- using your humanness to touch and heal and encourage those around you in Thailand! Loved hearing the miracles God is doing through your obedience to His whispering next steps each day- where to go or what to say or do to serve others.

    And I can imagine how big the pile of dirt y’all are moving! I remember having to clean out my horse’s stall in elementary school- daily- and what a job I thought that was- and the pile of dirt y’all are moving must be 20 X larger.
    So glad you’re feeling better and we continue to pray for health and strength to meet each day’s needs for you and you’re whole team and the women you’re helping there.

    I have been listening to Annie F Downs podcast That Sounds Fun for the past 7 months- and God has encouraged me thru it. I am reading her daily devotional 100 Days to Brave. So good!
    You and your Racers have had to be so brave in this 9 month journey you’re on. But you can rest in knowing God is with you all there. Thank you for doing holy work there and encouraging us who support you to be brave in our daily lives as well and to dig deep in His Word and be alert to the whispering of His Holy Spirit. Annie writes, “ When were brave enough to share the God stories in our lives, it changes the people around us. It changes us to share them.”

    We would appreciate you praying for Luke. First that God would lead us to right decisions and doctors to get his GI system working normally. Second, for meaningful work and friends/community to help him grow personally and spiritually.

    Thanks so much! Our God, the One who is breathing life into your life, is full of love for you??

  3. Beautiful girl!!! That is what He calls you every single day! You belong to Him and we are blessed by your stories and obedience and passion to do His work! Thank you for sharing this with us. It matters. It counts. It changes lives.
    You are a daughter of the King. A princess. Wear your crown well and with the full knowledge of who put it there.
    Love you!!

  4. LAURTWIN???? Wow I am emotional. Seeing the Lord work in and through you is so so inspiring. I can’t wait to hug you and see you and talk about it in person!!! You are in my prayers always I love you and miss you girl!! So proud of who you are because of Him. We do not deserve His grace, yet He opens His arms ALWAYS. Keep glorifying Him, lots of love.

  5. Lauren
    Thank you for sharing yourself, your Jesus and His amazing miracles and work in your life and the lives of your teammates. Such beautiful encounters and ways to see God sustaining us in our everyday needs. Thank you for showing us how to listen to the Spirit and the blessings that will come when we do.
    Your writing paints such a beautiful picture of the rehabilitation/ recovery center. I will continue to pray for the work He has for you there.

    I love you and am so proud of all you are doing, learning and sharing! To God be the Glory!! And YES more stories please!!

  6. Hey Lauren,
    So happy your group is feeling better—God is the ultimate healer for sure!! Thanks so much for sharing stories. It is so awesome to hear how God is working in you, and through you! Praying that you will continue to have a safe journey! God Bless!!!

  7. Great stuff, know us back on the home front appreciate the updates. Those of us who have been on mission trips know how hard it is to communicate about them. It’s a struggle to put the pen to paper, it feels so overwhelming it’s just easier to avoid it all together. What I want y’all to remember is we just want to hear your heart. It doesn’t have to be “well written”, have correct punctuation, lots of words and who cares if it only gets a “1” on the AP grading scale. Write a top 10, share a run-on paragraph about something that happened that week. Don’t let the enemy get in your head and intimidate you. We just want to hear how you are and a little of what’s going on on the other side of the world.

  8. Lauren, see it didn’t kill you to write that! You are a great writer. It is a gift to be able to spread your ribs apart, pull out your heart and put your feelings into words. Keep doing it! Love you! Proud of you!!

  9. LK,
    You are doing amazing work, and reading your words is lovely and encouraging. I’m sure it’s such a mix of hard and wonderful. Embrace where you are, stay present, write down everything that you will want to remember later. Olivia would be so so proud of you. In fact, I’m sure she is. Love you kiddo.

  10. Lauren, you have a gift with words! Thank you for sharing, and please keep doing so. As each of you share, we parents get a bigger and broader look at the amazing work out God is doing in each of you and in His kingdom!