
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

There was a day in Swazi where I couldn’t stop dreaming of revival and restoration in Jesus’s name. The Lord invited me into a space of limitless dreaming and who knows, maybe He’s extending the same invitation to you. Here’s a look into my wildest dreams with the Lord: 

Father, I don’t want to sleep until everyone knows the name of Jesus. I want to run. and shout. and scream to everyone I know that You are Lord. I want to pray like it’s my last prayer until I go home to You. I want to praise until my throat bleeds. I want to trust like it’s my oxygen. I want to hold children that have nothing but love You anyway. I want to explain to strangers who this God is who loves them so much. I want to go into bars and show Light and worth to girls that only know Jeffersons. I want to hug widows and cry with them and hear their stories. I want to sit on the sidewalk and acknowledge the man who has not had a home in 40 years. I want to tip my waitress her month’s rent and watch her eyes fill with tears because now her kids can eat. I want to sit next to a heartbroken boy 30,000 feet up and tell him his Heavenly Father loves him too much to leave him. I want to sit next to a surfer and explain to her that her Dad doesn’t love her because of her accomplishes. I want to walk kids home from school and hear about what they learned because their mom is too busy. I want to kiss grandmas and tell them they still have purpose in His eyes. I want to dance in the streets of New York and proclaim true freedom to everyone that passes. I want to sit in on business meetings in Berlin and shout that the greatest Giver doesn’t care about stock. I want to hold the 13-year-old boy that’s questioning himself and apologize for the picture that his church painted Jesus to be. I want to scale mountains in Tanzania and tell them to move right in front of atheists. I want to go to sailors in the Pacific and teach them that the present of their Lord cannot be escaped. I want to go to prisons and hold hands with single moms and weep with them. I want to go to churches and proclaim the Truth about my Jesus. I want to go to Moroccan markets and sit with kids and tell them their worth is not found in their parents’ success. I want to run to Buddhist monks and rejoice as they find the Truth and get baptized. I want to help Midwest farmers prune their crops because they feel unvalued. I want to drive all night to the coast of California and sit with stagnant dads who feel like the only thing left is the empty bottle next to them. I want to spend all night and day at a gas station in the middle of Kansas praising our Savior. I want to walk 4 miles with teenage girls in Africa to fresh water and hear joy fall from their lips. I want to take pictures of little girls and show them how beautiful they are in their Maker’s eyes. I want to pray radical healing in hospitals right in front of doctors. I want to run into the jungle and break chains of generational sins. I want to go into college dorms and tell 18 year old girls that sex will not satisfy them. I want to eat breakfast and drink tea with Untouchables in India. I want to pray over every orphan and welcome them into their Eternal Family of Believers. I want to spend Thanksgiving in foster homes reading The Gospels to them. I want to bring fire to tribes in the depths of Mongolia that haven’t seen hope in decades. I want to spend all day in foreign coffee shops speaking Truth to lost baristas. I want to sit in the living room of a family who just lost their son to gun violence and cry over how evil this world is. I want to spend all day singing and dreaming with kids who don’t know a world beyond their front yard. I want to run into the arms of moms and dads and remind them they are Sons and Daughters of the One True King. I want to sit around a bonfire with middle schoolers and pray they are consumed by Your fire. I want to invite strangers into my home and replicate Jesus’s table. I want to rally behind voices that were lost due to injustice in their government and break chains in my Jesus’s name. I want to walk streets that are occupied by prostitutes, look them in the eyes, and tell them a Perfect Man pursues only their hearts. I want to run the busy intersections in Lisbon and pass out Bibles. I want to go to the Jordan River and see where my Savior was washed. I want to go to beaches on spring break and tell them the beer they drink will never compare to the Well of Salvation my God provides. I want to go to politicians’ offices and tell them about the True Authority in Heaven. I want to go to villages in Nepal and amaze them with the Supernatural. I want to remember the name of my mailman and share that his Maker knows the number of hairs on his head. I want to worship for hours and hours and hours in the streets of Sydney as people question my sanity. I want to run to every tourist at Disney and tell them materialistic goods will not fill their hearts, only He will. I want to pray over the woman who sells bananas every day in Honduras.  I want to pray over the babies that are born into homes that don’t know grace and mercy. I want to talk to the policeman who hasn’t had Christmas off in 17 years and remind him who he is in Christ. I want to sing sweet lullabies to Your children all over the world. I want to love my Jesus so radically I can’t help but only speak His name. 

I want to get up and go. And never look back. 

I want to run until the only breath that’s in me is Yours. 

I want to bleed an outpour of Your grace. 

I want to radically Love. I want to only live in Your name. 

This world so desperately longs for Your name, Abba. 

Father, if it’s in Your will, let me serve Your children in this world. 

With Radical, Unconditional Love bleeding out. 

Only for Your name. and Your glory. 


What dreams in His name do you have? 

12 responses to “dreams! dreams! dreams!”

  1. pick one to start with let’s hit them all. i love your heart lauren kobe. you’re beautiful just like your Father.

  2. L,
    sounds like the whisper of the Lord in your words. everything I live and breathe. got my heart pumping. the Lord’s got years and years of this for you, wherever you walk. AHHH WHAT DREAMS!!! hallelujah!!!

  3. lauren, i cant even explain the power these words hold. i know you, and i know you mean them with every ounce of your being. and praise god that you do. i’m praying he will only keep awakening us more and leading us deeper and taking us further to proclaim the truth, until our very last breath on earth.

  4. Lauren~ thank you for being willing to go on this journey-to serve those who are babies up to the elderly. Indeed God is using you and your team of racers to bring a cup of cold water to many who are thirsty- bit their thirst is not just a physical one. Please know that we are praying for you and those you serve, who you’re listening to, holding hands with and sharing the good news of Jesus and his hope and plan for those who don’t know Him as their Saviour, yet.
    “Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure. It’s not a trip where He sends us a rigid itinerary, He simply invites us. God asks what it is He’s made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that deep indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made. And then, leaning over us, He whispers, “Let’s go do that together.~ Bob Goff
    Blessings and peace to you and your team and may God continue to guide you in your words and actions and prayers where you serve now and during the remainder of your world race time.
    ~s. arduino

  5. Lauren- Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart, convictions and dreams! How inspiring your writing is to me to continue to dream new BIG dreams but also to serve/ minister to those around me daily- from the homeless I see, to my patients I treat, to my coworkers, to the shop workers and wait staff I pray I can be/ show compassion/ mercy and grace to them. I love you so much and am so grateful for how God is working within you and through you!

  6. Wow! What great dreams! I’d love to see all of that happen (- except for the throat bleeding part!) !!

  7. Your words are inspiring and encouraging….every day and every interaction is a moment to love others and most importantly, share God’s love. So grateful you are radically loving those around you and anyone you meet.

  8. Lauren
    The joy You have for our Lord and your expression for believing and sharing His Love and boundless mercy has just given your grandmother the most blessed Christmas gift I have ever received.
    There is only Him to Thank.
    Loving your Godly Heart forever,
    Your Nana. ??

  9. Hi. I tried to type hearts at the end of my comments but idk how the ?? Got there.
    Anyway. ??????????

  10. Hi Lauren.
    Sending you love, light, and prayers.
    So proud of you and your love for others and your giving heart.
    How close are you to being funded ?
    Let us know. Maybe I can help you tomorrow.